Eveline Smolders (1990) is a Belgian photographer who is deeply intrigued by the stories that lie beyond mere appearances. Having pursued Experimental Psychology at KU Leuven, her curiosity about human behavior and research was ignited.  The desire to not solely focus on cognitive work, but also on emotions and experiences led her to photography. 
In her work she puts human relations front and center; our relationships with each other and our relationship with our (inner) world. Eveline's work is characterized by her specific emphasis on the tactile properties of her images, as well as her use of color.

2024: Out of Office, Breedbeeld (Gooik, BE)
2023: Eye Mama, Photovogue Festival (Milan, IT)
2023: Bewilder, BuroMuro (Mechelen, BE)
2023: Coll. V, BuroMuro (Mechelen, BE)
2023: Community Expo, Het Objectief (Gent, BE)
2023: Lens op de mens, International Photofestival (Pelt, BE)
2021: Lite on 13 (Sint-Luca Publication)

2024-2025: Breedbeeld Group Traject with Vincen Beeckman

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